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General Particulars

Vessel SAN LORENZO: A Detailed Exploration

General Particulars


IMO Number: 9625293

MMSI: 212724000

Type: Container Ship

Year Built: 2014 (10 years old)

Flag: Cyprus

Ownership and Registration

The vessel SAN LORENZO is registered in Cyprus and currently owned by an undisclosed entity.

Dimensions and Capacity

Length: [Insert Length Value]

Breadth: [Insert Breadth Value]

Draft: [Insert Draft Value]

Capacity: [Insert Capacity Value]

Machinery and Propulsion

The vessel is powered by a [Insert Engine Type] engine, providing a speed of [Insert Speed Value] knots.

Additional Information

For more information on the vessel SAN LORENZO, including its current position, historical movements, and port calls, please refer to reliable maritime tracking websites.
