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Chuck Schumer Rede

Schumer Delivers Maiden Speech as Senate Majority Leader

Schumer Speaks from Senate Floor

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) delivered his first maiden speech on the floor of the US Senate on Saturday.

Schumer's Priorities

In his speech, Schumer outlined his priorities for the new Congress, which include:

  • Passing a COVID-19 relief package
  • Addressing climate change
  • Promoting economic recovery
  • Protecting democracy

Schumer's Call to Unity

Schumer also called for unity in the Senate, saying that "it is time for us to come together and find common ground." He urged his colleagues to work together to address the challenges facing the country.


Schumer's speech was a powerful reminder of the importance of leadership and unity in a time of great division. His message of hope and progress will resonate with Americans who are looking for a way forward.
